
Guidelines, Concert Etiquette, etc


Your subscription normally covers the cost of hiring the scores. Please come early to the first rehearsal of the term to collect your score(s), and remember to hand them back at the end of the concert. David and Alison Willatts are our score Librarians. You can contact them through the Contact Form.

If by any chance you forget or are unable to return your score(s) after the concert, you must return them to the Librarians as soon as possible. Any late return library charges may be passed on to you.
You can send scores to Alison/David at:

Six Bells Cottage 
Upper Brailes
OX15 5AZ



Concerts are usually held three times each year, in late November/early December, March/April and June/early July.

Usual dress for concerts:

Women: Full-length black skirt, or smart black trousers, long-sleeved black shirt with collar. A black jacket may be required if venue is cold.

Men: Dinner jacket, white shirt, black bow tie.

Concert etiquette

No bottles of water are allowed on the concert platform during a performance.

We only applaud when sitting down.

Rehearsal Aids

Click rehearsal-aids  to access information on currently available rehearsal aids

Summer Term 2024: First Rehearsal is 11 April 2024

Constitution, Rules, etc

Our rules in brief:

Membership and Subscriptions

  • The membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August.
  • Subscriptions must be paid in advance. You can also Gift Aid your subscription if you are a UK tax-payer and pay sufficient tax to cover the Gift Aid donation (see HMG information here for more details).
  • Members are only entitled to attend rehearsals if they commit to singing in the concert at the end of that term.
  • All membership expires at the end of each membership year.

Members are asked to inform the Membership Secretary promptly if their plans for singing with the Choir change, and to cease attending rehearsals if they find they cannot sing in the concert that term.


Applicants for membership are required to undergo a voice assessment by the Director of Music or to provide evidence of musical ability; existing members of the Choir will also be asked to do so from time to time.


  • You must attend at least 75% of rehearsals for each concert, e.g. 6 out of 8 rehearsals, 9 out of 12 rehearsals: the final two rehearsals are compulsory.
  • Don’t forget to ensure your attendance is noted by your section register rep.
  • Be punctual and bring a pencil (and use it!).
  • If you have to miss a rehearsal, please phone or e-mail your section rep.

Safeguarding Policy

The safety of children and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance to the choir.  Please make sure you are aware of our Burford Singers Safeguarding Policy, and the guidelines for action to be taken in case concerns are raised.

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy can be downloaded here: Burford Singers Privacy Policy updated 2024

Remember, it’s your choir!

The choir is run by its members, and everyone is encouraged to help wherever possible with background work for the Choir, e.g. preparation for concerts, fund-raising, administrative work, catering, advertising, programme preparation, etc.
Volunteers are always needed – please don’t leave things to the faithful few.